Thursday, April 2, 2009

Cem Sak

Kingsolver’s piece is about “How the nutrition type changes your life style?”.

She talks about a time period of how they changed their lives by growing their own food themselves 

and how they face that change.

The thing I like about her writing style is that she uses examples which our generation is interested in.

I like how her kid tells her that she loves her little chickens as much as her mom J

Then she feels bad and tells her mom that she loves her chicken “6” and her mom  “7” that was a 

funny part for me.

One of the other things that make the book effective is the other writers. Her husband is the 

“scientific sytle” writer , her daughter talks about her “feelings and a little detail”, but still fills the piece 

with more information.


Of course everyone would love to have fresh food by their house , but sometimes ; especially in big 

cities which have a lot of population , there is no possibility to tell them to grow their own food.

Nowadays ; as I am into architecture , I know that it isn’t easy to build  on a large area with a small 

program space. Program meaning where people live and use. Imagine a skyscraper of 100 stories 

high , how big of a food growing (farm) space would that building need to feed the people in it? That 

building, probably has at least 2000 patients living in it.


The part which I found ineffective is that the book is like a class text book. It explains , explains , 

explains... Sometimes you feel like “ oh…., give me a break to breathe!”.